März 14, 2025

Documents/ Analyses‘

AG Friedensforschung
Uni Kassel
Informationen und Berichte über Uganda

China in Uganda
Länderbericht Auslandsbüro Uganda, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 7. Juni 2010
Win-Win-Situation oder China-Win-Situation?

Regionalarzt Bericht Uganda 03/2010
Ausfuehrlicher offizieller Bericht ueber den aktuellen Stand der medizinischen Versorgung in Uganda

Directory of Development Organisations in Uganda
Edition 2010
Comprehensive listing of (almost) all development organisations working in Uganda

Uganda: Annual economic outlook
Standard Bank, 19.2.2010
Projections for 2010:
Real GDP growth is pick up to 7.3%, after exceeding expectations with growth of 7.1% in 2009 – Average annual inflation to fall to 8.9% – Shilling to appreciate slightly to an annual average exchange rate of 1 934UGX/USD – Trade deficit is projected to widen to 4.9% of GDP – Fiscal deficit is expected to increase to 3.8% of GDP

The Effects of a very young age structure in Uganda
Executive Summary
Population Action International, 2010
Uganda has the youngest age structure in the world, with 77 percent of its population under the age of 30. The population of Uganda is currently growing by about one million people per year, and given the force of demographic momentum, Uganda will see high rates of population growth for decades to come.

The Effects of a very young age structure in Uganda
Country Case Study
Population Action International, 2010
Uganda’s demographic profile is one of the country’s most salient development challenges. Driven by a very high fertility rate of nearly seven children per woman, Uganda’s population nearly doubled in the past 20 years to 29 million in 2005. The high rate of population growth creates strains on the country’s natural resources, including arable land, which in turn drives up the poverty rate and threatens future gains in agricultural production and food security.

Länderanalysen zu möglichen Auswirkungen und Verwundbarkeit Afrikas im Kontext der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise
November 2009
Ziel der für verschiedene Länder erstellten Übersichten zur internationalen Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise ist es, einen kurzen Überblick über die wichtigsten potenziellen Auswirkungen der Krise auf einzelnen Länder zu geben, sowie eine grobe Einschätzung der Verwundbarkeit vorzunehmen. Für jedes Land werden basierend auf den wichtigsten makroökonomischen und armutsrelevanten Indikatoren kurze Einschätzungen zu aktuellen Entwicklungen im Rahmen der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise präsentiert.

The Uganda Land Issue
October 2009
A comprehensive assessment of the current situation and the influence of long-term trends on its future
by Bouke Thomas Berns
Nijmegen School of Management, Radboud University Nijmegen
Research commissioned by the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Kampala, Uganda

Contributing to a Peace Economy in Northern Uganda: A Guide for Investors
June 2009
Land is a major factor of investment in any part of the world, and a key element of production and development. Land policy should therefore support investment. Land for investment in the north of Uganda is available in plenty… It is only as a result of the war that the region’s large-scale farmers lost their farm machineries and tools, abandoned their lands and spent all their incomes that could otherwise have been used to expand the economy.

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